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Testimonials - Customer feedback on the Phono-Graphix® Method

What parents have to say about Phono-Graphix

As a parent, I wanted to thank you for creating such an affordable and fantastic book to teach reading. I purchased the book based on a recommendation during a training. My son, was in first grade, and he had not progressed in reading. It was becoming frustration and overwhelming. Once I started the program with him, last summer, he has made significant progress with his reading, despite his several disabilities. Among his diagnosis is oral-motor dyspraxia, ADHA, and dyslexia. He had made so much progress in the one summer, that I forced the school to continue using the program with him during the school year. The school had started him with Orton-gillingham, however, it was so language intensive, he was getting overwhelmed and confused. This program is so simple and direct that it can help any child. So, as a parent, thank you! As an educator, I hope to eventually convince my school district to pay for me to get the certification in the program.

Jessica Ging

I used Reading Reflex with my son for months, but the program has given me so much more than I expected. This method makes sense and our children NEED a reading program that isn't confusing. Since I homeschool my three boys it took me longer than I thought to get through the assignments, but that is the beauty of your course... being able to work at your own pace. My son is reading at grade level and I have a new career opportunity that will work with my schedule. Thanks for offering this program!

S. Lagerstedt, Duvall, WA

I have learned so many things from this program. I have 21 years of teaching experience, a K-12 Reading Endorsement through my Master's Degree and am Reading Recovery trained; however, I have learned so much about helping the at-risk reader (and all readers for that matter) understand how our language works in a matter-of-fact, hand-on way. My daughter had struggled in first grade and her school used this program with her. Within weeks she was caught up with everyone else, since she had changed schools and the expectations were much higher. The kids enjoy the activities, mastery becomes apparent and it is wonderful to see them use what they have learned in their reading. I found the examples in the training very helpful and am almost sorry it is over. What is not over is using Phono-Graphix as an intervention to the readers in our school who need to accelerate to reach the levels of their peers...I can see myself using this for many years to come! Thanks for thinking outside the box and providing materials for those kids who need a different way of learning!

C. Pape, Saginaw, MI

I am a parent of three children, two of which struggled tremendously breaking the code to reading, particularly my 10 year old. We tried private tutors, and a myriad of programs until Phono-Graphix was introduced by a speech and language therapist. It has been the only approach to reading that has helped our child. Many thanks for creating this brilliant and logical program that is accessible to professionals and parents.

P. Nashman, Toronto, Ontario

What teachers say about using Phono-Graphix in their classrooms

Phono-Graphix has absolutely blown my mind! As an elementary school teacher with 6 years of experience, I have found that teaching reading is extremely challenging. What works for one student does not work for another and the processes and results are very inconsistent across the board. Trying to scramble everything that you know to fit it to different students can become confusing, time consuming, and extremely overwhelming. Having a methodology like Phono-Graphix that works across ALL students, is absolutely the best investment any teacher can ever make. It will not only pay off with your students results, but also your time and ability to see things differently.

Laura Jaramillo, Miami Beach, Florida

My friend's daughter is finishing up 1st grade right now. The school's teachers, specialists, and her mother have been working with her since the beginning of 1st grade. In March, her mom talked to me about how they'd hit a brick wall. The mother was desperate. There had been little to no progress since the beginning of the year. I asked her mother if I could take a shot at it. I was just starting my PG course, and I offered the lessons for free. Her daughter was evaluated by the school in March and labeled LD. Immediately after, I starting working with her. After seven sessions, the school's reading specialist sent the mother an email in April expressing her surprise at the child's progress. She was already nearly reading at grade level. Her mother is now a paying customer of mine through the end of summer. :) And the little girl is soooo proud of herself. It was a truly sweet moment to listen to the child tell me about her school tutor's comments.

Nicole Ott, Blacklick, OH

I really enjoyed taking this course. I think it is an excellent program! It combines phoneme manipulation with phonics instruction- without the tedious rules and exceptions. It is the best way, the real way to teach reading.

Eileen Kroboth, third grade teacher, Downingtown, PA

Thank you for helping me to help my special students. Every time I battled with their reading demons, I knew there had to be a better method to teach reading than the one I was using. I had tried every conceivable way to teach reading to both special needs children and children in regular schools. In the past, I have used a combination of Phonics, Sight Reading and Whole Language approach with numerous reading schemes. However, something was always missing. But now, at long last, I have found the missing link in the form of Phono-Graphix. Doing this course online, allowed me plenty of time to practice and use what I was learning as I went along. As a result, I felt very confident that I was doing the right thing because I saw the results right before my eyes as I practiced with my students. Not only were my students improving in their reading, they were also beginning to make sense of their spellings. I would not hesitate to recommend this excellent course to any teacher who is serious about teaching reading both in a class setting and remedially. In my opinion, Phono-Graphix is the answer to all parents and teachers prayers.

R. Juma, Special Needs Teacher, Dubai, UAE

What certified practitioners say about using Phono-Graphix in thier clinical practices, home-schooling, tutoring and more

As a speech therapist, i have worked with other reading programs for years, but Phono-Graphix has finally answered many of my questions regarding the encoding and decoding of words. I have easily implemented what i have learned through Phono-Graphix. From the Pink Level helping a child learn to read using the sounds of words instead of struggling with letter recognition to the Yellow Level helping an older child to recognize the Mr. Schwa, Phono-Graphix is fabulous!

Mary Calvert, Alexandria, VA

I love Phono-Graphix and so do my students! They get to experience success from the very first lesson.

Jayna Roscoe, Washington DC

What our trainees say about our course

The course was excellent. The child I have been working with throughout my training has made tremendous progress in his reading.

Vivian Harrison, Oceanside, CA

This course has helped me understand foundational aspects of good reading instruction. I have appreciated the detail and obvious care that has gone into making this an excellent program. I'm looking forward to implementing this into my reading therapy program.

Robin Luckenbaugh, Leesburg, Virgina

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